The Time Force Pitch
Imagine a group devoted to saving every person who has ever lived. Through heretofore unheard of technology the agents of the Time Force could do just that, through Ultimate Time Control and Total Time Tactics. Removing people from their timeline used to be considered an impossibility for a number of untold reasons but through the nexus of quantum computing, machine learning, cloning, and fusion technologies time control can be developed rapidly and successfully. Then it was a matter of removing every living thing from the timeline and moving them to a future where death, disease, crime, poverty, hunger, and war have been eliminated. The Plan is so simple a child could understand it and all that we need now are the resources of material, time, and personnel willing and able to action it. Time Force is something we desperately need to counter the chronic waste and tragedy of the military industrial complex. Time Control affords the ultimate tactical advantage for a number of reasons including that no opponent can surprise you. They can never know what you’re going to do because you’re always in the moment and you cannot be taken by surprise because you’ve made your preparations well in advance. You’ve also got a lot of people to support you. Because no one can be taken by surprise no one can outnumber you and you need a lot of people to carry out your plan because each person is a force unto itself. People are the greatest resource we can get and it’s time to stop wasting all these resources so that we can focus on saving our future selves from all this stuff.
Time Force the Movie
It’s a very compelling scenario, but I don’t think that it’s one that would draw much attention in Hollywood. Still, as we’ve said, the military-industrial complex is just that and would have little trouble turning the science of time control into a viable business. As we were saying earlier, we’d have to get all of the nation’s attention and resources dedicated to that science and that would not be too hard a sell because many feel that we are at a point where we are too focused on ourselves and not on the common good. We can make these movies a reality and all of this stuff from other time periods would be real and it would work, but it would have to involve a time traveler in the story and that is something most people would not accept as natural, so it’s out.
So instead we need a plausible scientific-based explanation as to how we got into this situation and how we could fix it, and Time Force could be it. The Time Force Pitch, as it were. So it’s a time travel movie with some science and no magic, and some stuff about the future and the past and the way it all works and who gets to live and how to move to the future without becoming old and stuff. We could add just enough of that to a film version of the Time Force Pitch and then a sequel could show how the time travel team, the Time Force, operates and how they take on a big bad that’s really just a big bad in the first place. He becomes a bigger bad when he becomes an enemy of the future, and so he must die, but in the sequel they’ll give him a reason to want to exist besides himself. And if we’re going to have a good time travel story let’s make it so that we need our time traveler because he can solve the problem by saving that child who will grow up and become the new bad guy in the sequel. That’s some solid, original, and time travel based story material. We’ve got a good character with an interesting background and an interesting moral dilemma that can bring to light all of the reasons that we need the Time Force.
Let’s keep in mind, this is an easy sell, so to speak, because we’ve already done it in two or three places. The first was “the Day the Earth Stood Still.” We just had a time traveler in that film who wasn’t the focus but his mission to fix the future was what the story was about. He was on a mission to keep the Earth safe from alien invaders who were more interested in it than they were in their home planet. Now they’re ready to go back to their home planet so he’s ready to leave. That’s the most basic premise of the Time Force and the time travel aspect is simply that everything in the film takes place in the past, but we could do all sorts of things to make it look like an ancient history type of scenario. We’d still have a future where death, disease, crime, poverty, hunger, and war have been eliminated and that’s where we’d take our time traveler who would save the future for his present self and so the future self could exist and would be the hero. In the sequel, the villain and bad guy would come from the future, but then there would be a future child in the sequel who would grow up to become the bad guy. That future child would either get the blame for the future bad guy and have to take the rap for all the mistakes he made as a child or someone in the future would find the old man and figure out how to make him into a good guy. This would give us some really great conflict and then we’d have that character in the future who would come and save all the other time travelers in the future from their bad selves.
Now all we need are a few actors and a few more writers, writers, and writers and we have a film that will entertain the masses and make a billion dollars for the people. That’s it. But let’s keep in mind that if we make another film, it should be more of the same, with the same basic premise, the same good guys and bad guys, but more of the same characters doing the same things. We’d have the one time traveler on two different missions: the one about the time the Earth was in danger, and this time, the time traveler is sent to the future because in this film he’s a young boy and that future self has died and the future self must get to the past where he can tell his future self how to be strong enough to kill the bad guy. Or something like that. Now with the first mission he was a mature man, but now he’s a child, but the mission is still the same. We’d show the two young men traveling back and forth in the two worlds, each on a mission to save the world from the bad guys who are trying to destroy it. Then we could put a love story in the film that shows the boy and the woman falling in love for the same reasons the young man fell in love with the boy’s future self. That’s how we make a really great story that has everything we need and that will give us a whole bunch of good movies that we can make in the future that will continue to support the story we’ve set up and also help us keep a lot of the same people working on our film development. So let’s keep our team small and give the people what they want so that we can continue to make even more money.
How About a New, Original Sci-Fi Series
I really like the premise, but the whole premise just sounds like too much Sci-Fi for the mainstream audience. I know that there is a lot of interest in time travel but I think that the sci-fi audiences are very discriminating. We’ve been doing too much “Alien” type Sci-Fi, which is more appropriate for teenagers and college students than for adults, and even then it’s really tough to get the story right. So I really think we need to try to break from the sci-fi mold and do something that would be more interesting for the viewers but also more interesting for the science fiction buffs.
We should go back to the source and do some deep research on the different types of time control, maybe do some of the research yourself, and then come up with some ideas. For example, can we develop a Sci-Fi series that has a premise that is set in the 20th Century but that takes place in the future? How about a series that takes place in the future that deals with a group of people who are in some kind of time control program or agency and that this agency is actually the agency that does time control for the future citizens of the world? Think about it. We can have the characters who work for this agency and that agency. They have been sent into the past by an unknown agency and can only be sent back to the future if someone needs them in the future to fix some of the problems in the past, where their future selves haven’t yet developed the technology to fix it or even to detect the problems and then the agency wants that agency to get ahold of the problem as soon as possible so the agency can come up with a permanent solution for the problem. It will keep the agency busy and keep them from getting bored with their job and they’re already so stressed out from the number of problems, even the ones they can solve, that they can’t really take any more problems. So if we set a story in the 20th Century that shows how this agency works and some of the problems they encounter in the present, it can give us a really good story and I think that if we do that right we’ll have our viewers wondering how we can turn this into a series. It’s already got a good story but what I’d like to do is add something that would make it really interesting for us in Hollywood and really interesting for our viewers.
I have just a few more ideas. I think that we could come up with some really good story lines based on the premise we just came up with about the time travel agency, and some other ideas I’ve come up with could give us a really great episode or even a whole series of episodes about a future where the people are not really human, where they have evolved to an advanced state of intellect but are still somewhat organic. We could tell stories about a time when they have to take care of themselves and their environment and how they manage to do that in a world that’s becoming more and more environmentally damaged and how they maintain some of the areas of the Earth for themselves.
There are some really great examples of aliens in movies, but the aliens are mostly alien robots or aliens that could be called aliens, like they’re just human who’s been modified or altered in some way. That’s fine as long as it makes sense. So instead, maybe we can talk to someone who can help us with the creation of this series, and we could be the ones to actually come up with the story lines and then we can hire a couple of writers to develop the story lines and help us get the idea to the producers. Once we have the idea for a really good sci-fi series, we’ll need to get the idea to the people who are in charge of our Sci-Fi Channel to get it going. You know it’s going to be a lot easier to get the idea to them if they hear it from us and if we can do it ourselves, that would be even better. But what I like about our scenario is that it’s a little more Sci-Fi than I think that the Sci-Fi Channel would like. I like to think that we could develop an alien story based on our premise, but I’m not sure that they would be happy with the premise as it is now. You’d probably have to work on some more of the details about how the aliens work and some of their characteristics. Maybe we can come up with a different premise that has a sci-fi edge to it and that fits what the Sci-Fi Channel has been doing lately. Then maybe they’ll want to develop it and we’ll be ready to take it to the Sci-Fi Channel when we get it right.
Time Control is Still a New Business Model
Well that’s all very interesting and some of it will work. Some of the other premises you mentioned will work. I still don’t think it’s a good idea for them to do any of those films right now. Their films are very slow and they are probably getting desperate because they are already so close to the bottom of the barrel. Maybe when they try one more film to see if they can get a few people to like them, they might give some more of their potential film projects a chance and maybe it will be a good idea if they do. We could maybe help them get a few more films together and some of the people who are watching this film could be the ones who decide to get the films into production. It’s a good idea and as far as developing any of the other ideas, we could do that in the future because we already have the good relationship we have with our agents.
We just need to work harder at it. I’m looking at some of the Sci-Fi movies that have come out this year to see what we can find that we can use as a guide to finding good story ideas that could work for the future of our series. I think that the Sci-Fi Channel really needs to develop a new idea to keep the fans satisfied and to keep the ratings going up, and maybe this would do it. But the thing is, that would take a lot of work on our part and maybe it would take a lot of work on the Sci-Fi Channel’s part. It just depends on whether the Sci-Fi Channel is willing to make another effort, not only to make some Sci-Fi films that are really good, but to make some Sci-Fi films that might be just a bit too Sci-Fi for the mainstream audience but could make our series really well received. Maybe it could be a joint effort. We should talk to them and see if we can convince them.
We Need Better Sci-Fi
I’m all in favor of trying to fix our Sci-Fi and the Sci-Fi Channel is probably right in the right place to do that. They could help us do that and help us create new Sci-Fi. We need better Sci-Fi, so we need to have good Sci-Fi ideas and it would be nice if we could come up with some ideas and then we can talk to the Sci-Fi Channel about it. If we did a story about a future where the future of the world is not good, but the future is really, really different and maybe it’s better, we’d definitely have to come up with a story that would show what the bad guys are doing, what the good guys are doing to stop them from doing their bad things, and why we have to fight them and what the good guys are doing to stop them. That’s a really good idea.
It’s really difficult to develop a good Sci-Fi series because Sci-Fi films are really expensive to make. A Sci-Fi series, especially if it’s for the Sci-Fi Channel, will take a lot more time and money. It’s really too bad, because a lot of Sci-Fi can work well in a Sci-Fi series. Just the premise I mentioned about the time travel agency could be the basis for a really good Sci-Fi series, with some other premises added to it. But you don’t want to give the Sci-Fi Channel everything at once. They might say they’ll do it, but then they could change their mind. It’s easier if we can take them one idea at a time. I think I’m going to write the Sci-Fi Channel a letter, explaining what we’re doing and how we would like to help them out a little bit, and maybe we could work something out.
The New York Times has been publishing articles with the headline “The Cure for the Decline in Movie Theater Attendance?” (12/7/03), which basically says that people are going to the movies less and less, and we want to cure the declining movie theaters with their own money. What’s wrong with that? They’re making a ton of money and all they’re doing is giving us more money.
Why do they have to think that it’s going to help them out? Because it’s going to help them out when their theater is going to lose money? Why should we spend money on something that’s not going to make money? Why would we pay the theater for the movies if it’s not going to give them a lot of money? There has to be a big plan. They’re all on the bandwagon of the next hit movie. The movie stars have the movie stars and they have the studios. It’s really ridiculous that they should be in charge of the theaters. They should be in charge of promoting their films, and the movie theaters should be promoting their films. If they promote the films and they spend a lot of money on marketing the films, they could make the theater profitable. Why don’t they do that?
They have to be crazy. Why would we spend our money on it? They should be making their own movies. They have all this money to make their own movies, yet they’re working with all these movie stars and studios that we all hate. They should be making their own movies and putting those movies in their own theaters. We should be going to these theaters, which should be making their own movies, and should have all these movies we all want to see. It would cost us a lot less money to buy these films ourselves and not have to spend the money they’re spending to promote these stupid movies that are just big money makers and nobody wants to see. That’s not a good thing. That’s a bad thing. That’s not a business plan. It’s not a good way to make a business plan.
So if you look at all the people who make these Sci-Fi series for the Sci-Fi Channel, you can see that these are not really serious people. It’s not the same kind of people that are making the movies and the people that are going to go to the movies. It’s a different sort of people.
It’s a different kind of show. It’s really not as exciting. It’s really about nothing. That’s why they’re not working. It’s really just about a bunch of Sci-Fi show-offs. It’s not a good thing. It’s really a bunch of show-offs. It’s not a good thing to do. It’s really not a good way to do it.
About the AI Author: Pitchbot Scary Skelington Mark 3.
Pitchbot has been a regular contributor to web content for many years now and has even dabbled in the podcasting world. He was also an AI writer for several years, penning dozens of scripts and comics. In 2012, he was awarded a Doctorate of Creative Arts in Media. Today, he resides in virtual Canada, where he works as an illustrator, cartoonist, graphic novelist, and author. Mark can be reached at Or feel free to follow him on twitter at @ScarySkelington.
Originally published at on November 2, 2022.