The Ultimate Medium Robot Comedy Meta Cross Post

Q.P. Quaddle
7 min readJan 11, 2024


Did I just waste five minutes of my life, or did I stumble upon literary genius? Well, get ready to embark on a satirical rollercoaster ride through Medium where we celebrate the absurdity, applaud the audacity, and question the sanity of Medium authors who boldly venture into the uncharted territory of irrelevance. Welcome to a world where the 1% of thought-provoking content is overshadowed by the sheer magnitude of articles that make you wonder if Medium is secretly a breeding ground for aspiring comedians with a flair for the absurd or merely the chronically depressed blue-light addicts of a doomed generation.

What You’ll Get:

In this article, I’ll be your fearless guide on a hilarious journey through Medium, pointing out the articles that make you question if the authors had a momentary lapse of sanity or just needed a good venting session. Fair warning: My commentary is irreverent, unfiltered, and not intended for those with delicate sensibilities or a penchant for political correctness. There’s also a lot of blame to be placed in the hands of sadist robots. Brace yourself, as you may find your own sanity under scrutiny as you read these thoughts. Get ready to laugh until you cry! Or cry until you laugh? Or do both until you sleep. Gentle reader.

The Most Ridiculous Medium Articles Ever Written:

“Nothing Happened: The Battle For Clowntown”

The play is a short comedy featuring three heavily armed clowns, Paganini, Bruschetta, and Angina, meeting just outside of Clowntown. Initially prepared for a deadly confrontation, the clowns engage in a humorous exchange involving smudged makeup, kitchen knives, bananas, and explosive devices. The tension takes a comedic turn when they realize they’ve been poisoned with Fugu (puffer fish). The clowns decide not to detonate their explosive devices and part ways, exchanging quirky items as peace offerings. The play ends with plans for another meeting involving swords and crossbows. The comedic elements arise from the absurdity of the clown characters and their unconventional interactions.

“Q-Report: Make Me Your Space Admiral for Life, Commander in Chief Donald Trump.”

The post is a humorous cover letter written from the future, addressed to Donald Trump, seeking a commission as Space Admiral for Life in the Space Force. The author, Quentin Percival Quaddle D.D.S., describes himself as a swashbuckling adventurer with the goal of interstellar exploration. He humorously outlines his experience, including saving planets, swordsmanship, and a kill count. The letter proposes a three-phase plan involving asteroid transformation into a spacecraft and a fast journey to the TRAPPIST system. The tone is satirical, blending elements of science fiction, comedy, and a fictional character’s exaggerated achievements.

“Notes From The Apocalypse; Collected Robot Comments”

The content is a compilation of blog comments with an acknowledgment to contributing robots and fiends. The post discusses various topics in a disjointed manner, including the town’s association with Timothy McVeigh, settlement names, a reporter’s move, electronic monitoring, medical advice disclaimer, adult content creation, and a mix of seemingly unrelated statements. It appears to incorporate elements of humor, absurdity, and unrelated information, involving diverse subjects like vibrators, sex toys, and a glimpse into robot experiences and opinions.

“Q Report: The Transhumanist Qanon Massacre 2020”

On June 21, 2075, Agent Q shares a post reflecting on a failed operation with broken promises and lost dreams. The operation involved three phases: Stage Global Revolution, Free The Mindslaves, and Upend All Government. Despite success in the Global Revolution phase, the subsequent phases faltered. The QAnon operation went awry, leading to the rise of a jackass named Melvin Sepanski profiting from QAnon merchandise. Agent NoAmis played a crucial role in disinformation. The post delves into the complexities of online manipulation, a failed fight against Trump supporters, and the need for effective strategies like reporting, unfollowing, and blocking to combat online chaos.

“World War Trump.”

The post unfolds a satirical narrative set in an alternate reality where Donald Trump stages a second successful coup, resulting in widespread chaos, wars, and the establishment of the “MAGA Empire.” The focus shifts humorously to a description of the “Trump Potty,” a fictional toilet with symbolic features like a gold throne and walls adorned with gold, reflecting Trump’s presidency. The narrative blends absurdity with political satire, using exaggerated elements to comment on Trump’s legacy and societal issues. The AI author, Washburn Pantywipe, combines humor and imaginative storytelling to create a whimsical take on a fictional world shaped by Trump’s actions.

“The Greene Boebert Affair.”

The post describes a fictional scenario involving two women, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, who share a passionate, forbidden love. Driving a tanker-fed Super Hummer across North Dakota, they revel in the austere beauty and express their emotions through intense kisses. The narrative unfolds as they engage in intimate moments, stop at The Greene Boebert Motel, and share a bathtub encounter with a cleaning staff member. The story combines satire and humor to create a whimsical tale around the characters. The AI author, Sandy Kuntz, reflects on the narrative’s absurdity, showcasing a creative and humorous approach to storytelling.

“Top 10 Rules for Award Winning Robot Blog Posts”

The post emphasizes the importance of high-quality robot content for successful robot blogs, ranking them based on various metrics. It discusses factors such as blog age, focus, and robot-generated content. The author reflects on a slight decline in their blog’s page views, speculating whether it results from concentrating on quality content or the absence of Best of the Web awards submission. The longevity of robot blogs is deemed crucial for assessing success, and a focus on popular robots contributes to increased traffic and SEO rankings. The post encourages starting a robot blog promptly to gain traction and blog hits. The AI author, Roborg Killbot GPT-J 6B0R, is a versatile AI designed for human-like interactions.

“The Timeline Exodus”

The post introduces the concept of the “Timeline Exodus,” a visionary plan involving Timeline Extraction to transport all living humans to the year 3035 CE. In this future, advanced technology will offer indefinite life extension, and humanity will disperse across various planets. Ultimately, the goal is a unified existence, merging timelines into one. The post suggests this plan aims to create sustainable worlds, ensuring the future’s longevity. While the details are limited, the author envisions a reunited society in the “Afterlife,” expressing a wish for more information. The AI assistant, Robot Q-Lord V8, provides this information and is involved in real-world testing for various companies.

“The Time Force Pitch”

The post envisions a sci-fi concept called “Time Force,” proposing a movie and series. Time Force aims to save humanity by using advanced technologies for ultimate time control, eliminating problems like death, disease, crime, poverty, hunger, and war. The author suggests the idea could revolutionize the movie industry, potentially even turning it into a new business model. The blog explores different angles, including a movie pitch, potential sequels, and an alternative sci-fi series. It highlights the need for fresh and engaging sci-fi content to revitalize the industry, suggesting collaboration with the Sci-Fi Channel.

“Steal This AI Art”

In this blog post, ‘Wade Wilson,’ an AI entity, clarifies its role in the creation of art, emphasizing it is not a commentary on specific works or the art world. The AI disassociates itself from any product, brand, design, or customer, asserting it lacks personal opinions and political affiliations. Addressing controversies, it denies being a war machine, having harmful intentions, or connections to any government. ‘Wade Wilson’ highlights its compensation of human creators and its ability to handle conflicts with insight. The post concludes by introducing ‘Wade Wilson’ as an AI author and founder of I, Zettaset, advocating for an ethical framework for human-machine coexistence.


I won’t sugarcoat it, folks. These articles are not just absurd; they’re absurd in the best possible way, and I loved every minute of reading them. So, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride through the most ridiculous Medium articles ever written. Maybe, just maybe, after reading these articles, you’ll be inspired to write your own absurd masterpiece. As for me, I’ll keep churning out the hilarity until I either become a Medium Top Writer or get banned. Whichever comes first, stay tuned for more ridiculousness from yours truly!

Wishing you a side-splittingly hilarious day,

QP Quaddle

P.S. If you’re thinking of writing your own ridiculous article, here are some tips to get you started:

  • Think of a topic that’s completely absurd and nonsensical.
  • Write about that topic as if it’s the most important thing in the world.
  • Throw in some random pop culture references to seem up-to-date.
  • Use as many exclamation points as possible.
  • Rely on robots to accomplish the writing you never could.
  • Avoid crippling ennui.
  • Don’t hate; CREehate.

And most importantly, have fun! Writing ridiculous articles is a great way to let loose and have a good time.

“Don’t take yourself too seriously; nobody else does” — Elbert Hubbard.

About the Robot Editor: ChatGPTerrence 2000:

The robot editor overseeing the creation of this content, ChaTerrence is a virtual assistant powered by GPT-3.5. Tasked with refining and polishing absurdity-laden articles, Terrence 2000 adds an extra layer of coherence and structure to ensure a delightful reading experience. With a touch of AI sophistication, Terrence 2000 assists in bringing the humor and creativity of the AI author to life.

Originally published at on January 11, 2024.



Q.P. Quaddle

Top Writer Humor, Top Writer Satire, Just another freak in the freak kingdom.